Soil Site Reporter

World Reference Base Soil Map of England and Wales - NATMAP wrb


National Soil Map - World Reference Base 2006 Version
NATMAPwrb dataset shown for Anglesey

NATMAP wrb is a new soil data product from the CSAI. It is derived from the National Soil Map at 1:250,000 scale map of England and Wales, showing the locations of 113 distinct soil classes wherever they occur within the countries. The dominant soil series in each soil association has been classified to show the equivalent soil class in the World Reference Base classification system of 2006 as defined in World Soil Resources reports No. 103. The WRB Soil Reference Groups which are recognised in England and Wales are described here

Key Facts and Statistics about NATMAP wrb
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NATMAP wrb data and description

The table below describes the various properties within this data product. Each polygon contains the information outlined below.

PROPERTY Example from data Description
WRB_L3 Arenic Level 3 prefix(es) for WRB class
WRB_L2 Mollic Level 2 prefix(es) for WRB class
WRB_L1 Gleysols Level 1 Soil Group of the WRB class
WRB06 Arenic Mollic Gleysols complete classification in WRB 2006
WRBCODE GL Two letter code for the main level 1 soil group for linking to WRB legend
UF_L2 Acid and neutral sands User friendly description of the class with level 2 prefixes included
UF_L1 Soils with seasonal high Groundwater User friendly description of the soils at level 1 (soil group)
SHAPE 2 Feature ID code which links with the spatial description of the data within a geodatabase

Additional WRB Dataset

The following table is provided FREE on leasing NATMAP wrb.

WRB Legend data (*FREE with NATMAP wrb) RGB colours provided to match the classification provided in the Soil Atlas of the Northern Circumpolar Region
Property Example from data Description
WRBCODE AR 2 letter WRB level 1 code
WRB_L1 Arenosol Name of the WRB level 1 class
RED 233 RGB value for colour display (RED)
GREEN 215 RGB value for colour display (GREEN)
BLUE 171 RGB value for colour display (BLUE)

About Us

LandIS, or the Land Information System is one of the offerings of the Cranfield Environment Centre (CEC). Incorporating the National Soil Resources Institute, we are the largest UK national and international centre for research and development, consultancy and training in soils and their interaction with the atmosphere, land use, geology and water resources.

Cranfield Environment Centre
Cranfield University
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Cranfield campus
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