Soil Site Reporter

Tools and utilities

Soil Texture Triangle

Particle size class estimator

Here is a tool that allows you to estimate the particle size class of a soil sample from the proportions of sand, silt and clay. The estimator is based on the texture class intervals of the Soil Survey of England and Wales - note that other international standards also exist, such as the USDA and FAO triangles.

Enter soil sample proportions:

Digital Soil Dataset Pricing Utility - Grid Reference Help

How to work out a National Grid Reference

Conversion of two-letter codes to numbers

This pricing guide utility provides you with a price for the different data products which we commonly lease.

If you have a Grid Reference with two letters out the front, this is how to convert them to numbers.

EXAMPLE 1 - Letters and numbers to 6-figure (1km) grid reference

NS 306834 (This is a single point)

Split the numbers in half...

Look up NS in the table, below...

Attach the number to the front of the appropriate value...

But, you put into the soil data pricing utility only the first three values, as only 1km accuracy is required.

EXAMPLE 2 - 12 figure (1 meter) grid reference to 6-figure (1km) grid reference

278456 456390 (This is another single point)

This one is easier as we only need the first three numbers from the Easting and Northing.

OS letter codes to numbers conversion table

Number (1) Letters (1) Number (2) Letters (2) Number (3) Letters (3)
N02 HL 38 NJ 13 SG
N12 HM 48 NK 23 SH
N22 HN 7 NL 33 SJ
N32 HO 17 NM 43 SK
N42 HP 27 NN 12 SM
N01 HQ 37 NO 22 SN
N11 HR 47 NP 32 SO
N21 HS 6 NQ 42 SP
N31 HT 16 NR 1 SQ
N41 HU 26 NS 11 SR
N00 HV 36 NT 21 SS
N10 HW 46 NU 31 ST
N20 HX 15 NW 41 SU
N30 HY 25 NX 0 SV
N40 HZ 35 NY 10 SW
N52 JL 45 NZ 20 SX
N51 JQ 59 OA 30 SY
N50 JV 58 OF 40 SZ
9 NA 57 OL 54 TA
19 NB 56 OQ 64 TB
29 NC 55 OV 53 TF
39 ND 65 OW 63 TG
49 NE 14 SB 52 TL
8 NF 24 SC 62 TM
18 NG 34 SD 51 TQ
28 NH 44 SE 61 TR
        50 TV

About Us

LandIS, or the Land Information System is one of the offerings of the Cranfield Environment Centre (CEC). Incorporating the National Soil Resources Institute, we are the largest UK national and international centre for research and development, consultancy and training in soils and their interaction with the atmosphere, land use, geology and water resources.

Cranfield Environment Centre
Cranfield University
Bullock Building (B53)
Cranfield campus
MK43 0AL
(01234) 752992

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