Soil Site Reporter

Soil Series

10.22 ALTCAR (Aq) (35)

Major soil group: 10 peat soils With more than 40 cm of organic material in the upper 80 cm or with more than 30 cm of organic material over bedrock or very stony rock rubble.
Soil Group: 2 earthy peat soils Normally drained, with a well aerated and structured earthy topsoil or ripened mineral surface layer.
Soil Subgroup: 2 earthy eu-fibrous peat soils (mainly fibrous or semi-fibrous with pH 4 0 or more in some part)
Soil Series: grass-sedge peat

Alert ! - lowland peats undergoing re-wetting read the alert
Alert ! - soils affected by groundwater read the alert

Brief Profile Description
In Soil Associations (with WRB classification of this series in each association)
1022a    ALTCAR 1 Drainic Rheic Fibric Histosols
1022b    ALTCAR 2 Drainic Rheic Fibric Histosols
1024a    ADVENTURERS' 1 Drainic Rheic Fibric Histosols
1024b    ADVENTURERS' 2 Drainic Rheic Fibric Histosols
Surveyed profiles in LandIS
National Soil Inventory Sites: 15
Representative Profiles: 3
Auger Bores: 371

All information Copyright, Cranfield University © 2024

Citation: To use information from this web resource in your work, please cite this as follows:
Cranfield University 2024. The Soils Guide. Available: Cranfield University, UK. Last accessed 27/07/2024

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LandIS, or the Land Information System is one of the offerings of the Cranfield Environment Centre (CEC). Incorporating the National Soil Resources Institute, we are the largest UK national and international centre for research and development, consultancy and training in soils and their interaction with the atmosphere, land use, geology and water resources.

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