Soil Site Reporter


Soilscapes are an easy-to-understand classification of soils used to describe the soils of England and Wales only (a separate classification being applied in Scotland and Northern Ireland). Soilscapes conveys a summary of the broad regional differences in the soil landscapes of England and Wales. Soilscapes is not intended as a means for supporting detailed assessments, such as land planning applications or site investigations; nor should it be used to support commercial activities. For such applications, a parallel service Soils Site Reporter provides comprehensive reporting for specific locations. More detailed soil datasets are also available for lease from CEC.

Freely draining slightly acid loamy soils (6)

Texture: Loamy
Drainage: Freely draining
Fertility: Low
Land Cover: Arable and grassland
Habitats: Neutral and acid pastures and deciduous woodlands; acid communities such as bracken and gorse in the uplands
Topsoil Carbon: Low
Mostly Drains To: Local groundwater and rivers
Water Protection Issues: Groundwater contamination with nitrate; siltation and nutrient enrichment of streams from soil erosion on certain of these soils
General Cropping Guidance: Suitable for range of spring and autumn sown crops; under grass the soils have a long grazing season. Free drainage reduces the risk of soil damage from grazing animals or farm machinery. Shortage of soil moisture most likely limiting factor on yields, particularly where stony or shallow

Included Soil Associations
0541a    MILFORD
0541c    EARDISTON 1
0541d    EARDISTON 2
0541e    CREDITON
0541f    RIVINGTON 1
0541g    RIVINGTON 2
0541h    NEATH
0541i    MUNSLOW
0541j    DENBIGH 1
0541k    DENBIGH 2
0541l    BARTON
0541r    WICK 1
0541s    WICK 2
0541t    WICK 3
0541u    ELLERBECK
0541v    RHEIDOL
0541w    Newnham
0541x    EAST KESWICK 1
0541y    EAST KESWICK 2
0541A    BEARSTED 1
0541B    BEARSTED 2
0571d    FYFIELD 1
0571e    FYFIELD 2
0571f    FYFIELD 3
0571g    FYFIELD 4
0571h    ARDINGTON
0571i    HARWELL
0571l    CHARITY 1
0571p    ESCRICK 1
0571q    ESCRICK 2
0571s    EFFORD 1
0571t    Efford 2
0571w    Hucklesbrook
0571x    Ludford
0571y    HAMBLE 1
0571z    HAMBLE 2
0571A    Rowton
0581b    SONNING 1
0581c    SONNING 2
0581d    CARSTENS
0581e    MARLOW
0581f    BARROW

All information Copyright, Cranfield University © 2024

Citation: To use information from this web resource in your work, please cite this as follows:
Cranfield University 2024. The Soils Guide. Available: Cranfield University, UK. Last accessed 22/10/2024

About Us

LandIS, or the Land Information System is one of the offerings of the Cranfield Environment Centre (CEC). Incorporating the National Soil Resources Institute, we are the largest UK national and international centre for research and development, consultancy and training in soils and their interaction with the atmosphere, land use, geology and water resources.

Cranfield Environment Centre
Cranfield University
Bullock Building (B53)
Cranfield campus
MK43 0AL
(01234) 752992

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